Adding a New Product (video)
This is how you can add a new product to KSB's Meat Distribution Program.
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This is how you can add a new product to KSB's Meat Distribution Program.
Last updated
This is how you can add a new product to the system.
Let’s start by clicking on “File Maintenance”, then “Manage Product” under Product.
So this is the product list. It shows you all the products in the system now, and the relevant information for each product. To add a new product, let’s click on “Add new product”.
Here, we can enter the details for our new product. There are some fields outlined in red. These fields are required to create the new product.
Let’s go through these fields one by one.
You can consider a product code the ‘id’ for the product. In my case, I will enter chuckroll2. The id should be unique, and not contain any special characters other than the ones specified.
You can then enter the product description. This description needs to be unique as well.
For Product Category, for commercial products, we recommend to select regular, and for products not related to sales, such as fuel charges, we can select charges.
Then, under product type, you can select the relevant product type. In this case, we will select ‘Beef’.
The UPC fields are available to you if you have a UPC barcode to add. It is not required however.
Unit of Measure, or UOM, is the default unit method of selling. You may want to sell by case primarily, but also want to sell by pieces too. In this case, we want to sell by cases and by pieces. Here we can say that there are 2 pieces of chuck roll in 1 case.
There are three types of ways we can sell a product:
Catch Weight is a variable weight that is different for each unit.
Fixed Weight is the same weight for each unit.
Unit Quantity is selling by quantity only, we do not need to consider the weight.
There are three types of ways we can sell a product.
Firstly we can sell by catch weight. Catch weight is a variable weight that can be different for each unit.
We can also sell by fixed weight. This is when every unit has the same weight.
Lastly, we can also sell by unit quantity, in this case, we don’t need to consider the weight at all.
If setting catch weight, we can specify the range of what each unit weight could be. This is good for avoiding making mistakes. Here we can set the minimum catch weight as 10 pounds, and maximum as 80 pounds.
We can also set the initial on hand quantity and weight if you need to.
Average cost is also available to set now, but the average will be generated over time as you complete more receivings for the product.
Some states require certain products to be taxed. So if this is the case, we can check the taxable field. Also, if there is a CRV cost associated with the product such as bottles or cans, you may set it here.
Finally, to set the product active in the system, we can change its status here. Also, you may set it as hold, or inactive if it will not be in use.
Once you confirm all the information, you can click on save and the new product is now in the system product list.