Manage Processing Quick List
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Step 1: Adding a New Quick Processing List
To create a quick list for frequently processed items, click on the "Add New Quicklist" button.
This button is typically located on the page dedicated to quick processing.
By clicking the button, you initiate the process of creating a new quick list.
Note that editing a quick list follows a similar procedure, so you can refer back to the instructions for creating a quick list if you need to learn how to edit an existing one.
Step 2: Creating a Quick Processing List
Start by creating a unique quick list code for this specific process.
Assign a code that will help identify and differentiate this quick list from others.
Next, provide a brief description of what this process entails, explaining its purpose or any relevant details.
Proceed to the "Ship Out TO Processor" section and add the products that will be sent to the processor.
Enter the product names or codes and specify the average quantity you typically send to the processor.
Move to the "Receive From Processor" section and add the products that are expected to return from the processor.
Enter the product names or codes and indicate the average quantity that the processor typically sends back.
Once you have added all the necessary information, click the "Save" button to finalize and store the quick processing list.